Easy tricks for effective bargaining // anchor point


 1. Be prepared to negotiate

 When you are negotiating, you need to be ready to bargain. This means that you should have your best offer at hand before you start talking. If you don't have anything to offer, then you may not get anywhere. You can make sure that you have something good to offer by preparing beforehand.

 2. Know what you want

 You need to know exactly what you are looking for in order to get it. In other words, you need to be clear about what you want. When you are clear about what you want, you will be able to find out if someone has it.

 3. Don't give away too much

 It's easy to say yes to everything that people ask you. However, this doesn't mean that you should agree to everything they ask you. If you do, then you might end up losing out on some things. Make sure that you only agree to things that you really want.

1. Know your worth!

 When negotiating, it's important to know what you're worth. If you don't know how much you should ask for, then you may end up giving away too much. You can use this knowledge to negotiate better deals at work, school, or anywhere else that requires negotiation.

 2. Don't be afraid to walk away.

 If you feel like you've been taken advantage of, don't hesitate to say no. If they want something from you, they'll usually give up if they realize you won't do it. This goes for both sides; if someone wants to buy something from you, make sure you get paid fairly.

 3. Be clear about your terms.

 Be specific about what you want and what you expect. If you are buying something, specify whether you want cash or credit. If you are selling something, explain how long you need it before you ship it. Make sure you understand what you're agreeing to.

1. Ask for what you want

 When negotiating with someone, it’s always best to start off asking for what you really want. If you are willing to ask for something that isn’t too much, then they may be more likely to give you what you want.

 2. Be specific about your needs

 Be clear and specific when describing what you need from the other person. Don’t say “I would like you to do xyz for me”. Instead, make sure you explain exactly what you want done and why you need this service.

 3. Offer to help them out

 If you know that they have trouble doing something, offer to help them out. This shows that you are not just looking for things to take advantage of but that you truly care about helping others.

1. Acknowledge your opponent's position from the start. If you are not willing to negotiate at the beginning of a game of poker, then you do not deserve to win.

 2. Do not get into a situation where you feel like you have nothing left to offer. Even if this means that you lose some money, your loss is worth much more than the money you would've won.

 3. Be nice and polite. You can't expect your opponent to want to play with you if you insult them or speak down to them.

 4. Don't try to out-strategize each other. In order to win, both players should be equally good at bluffing and cheating against each other.

 5. When you're offered a deal that seems too good to pass up, ask yourself if you really believe that it is fair. If the answer is no, then take whatever deal they give you.

 6. There are times when you might need to walk away from a negotiation. This doesn't mean that you lost, but rather that you weren't able to reach an agreement. You'll eventually find someone else who wants what you want.The Anchor Point is a spot where two points meet, either on the ground or at a certain height. These spots are used to help you measure things easier, like how tall someone is.

 As I've been working on this video, I have realized that my anchor points are not consistent. Sometimes they're too high, sometimes too low. So I'm going to share my anchor points with you guys now. This way, if you ever need to work on something, you can use these points as a standard. Also, you don't have to worry about changing them later.

 Here's a link to the original video in which I explain my anchor points.


 The anchor point is where you want your cannabis plant to grow from. You can use any type of anchor point you like, but remember that it should be based on the size of the pot you are using. A small plant needs a smaller anchor point than a large plant.

 1. The Anchor Point

 When choosing an anchor point, consider the size of the pot. If you have a small pot, then you need to choose a small anchor point. This means placing the anchor at the bottom of the pot.

 2. The Distance Between the Anchor Points

 To ensure proper growth, you need to leave enough space between each anchor point. There are two ways to do this:

 a) Measure the distance between the points.

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