Products made from cow dung


 1. Cow Dung Soap

 Cow dung soap has been used since ancient times due to its ability to cleanse and purify. This natural product can be used to wash clothes, dishes, floors, walls, and even skin. It's a great way to recycle your waste products and reduce pollution.

 2. Cow Dung Fertilizer

 This fertilizer is a great alternative to chemical fertilizers and can help improve the quality of your crops while being safe for people, animals, and the environment.

 3. Cow Dung Paper

 Paper that comes from cow dung is called biogas paper. It helps to absorb methane emissions from cows, making them a less potent greenhouse gas.

1. Cow Dung Soap - A natural soap that can be used to wash your hands after handling marijuana.

 2. Cow Dung Paint - Use this paint instead of regular paint to give your walls a unique look.

 3. Cow Dung Furniture - This furniture looks like wood but is actually made out of cow dung!

 4. Cow Dung Paper - You can make paper using cow dung instead of trees.

 5. Cow Dung Candles - These candles are made from cow dung and smell amazing.

 6. Cow Dung Coffee - This coffee tastes exactly like normal coffee except better because it's made from cow dung.

Cannabis growers are always looking for ways to produce their own fertilizer. There have been many methods developed over time that include composting manure, using urine from animals, but some of them can get pretty expensive. Another option is using cow dung. Cow dung is a great way to make your own high quality organic fertilizer. In this video, we explain how to use cow dung to fertilize your cannabis garden.


 1. Cow Dung Oil

 Cow dung oil has been used for centuries as fuel, medicine, fertiliser, and even soap. This non-toxic substance with high energy content is rich in oils, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial chemicals. In India cow dung has been burned since ancient times. It was first mentioned around 5500BC in Ayurvedic texts. A study in 2014 conducted at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-MOP) of the University of Hyderabad reported that cow dung can efficiently remove lead from contaminated water. They also found that cow dung contains antimicrobial properties and can be used as natural insect repellent.

 2. Cow Dung Soap

 In many parts of Asia, cow dung is still widely used for personal hygiene and cleaning products. One example is Malaysia where they make a liquid soap called 'kepok' from cow dung.

 3. Cow Dung Fertilizer

 This is a very common practice in India. Farmers spread cow dung over their farms to improve their yield of crops. There are even companies who sell fertilizer bags specifically made from cow dung. These bags increase the fertility levels of the soil and makes it easier for the crops to absorb nutrients.

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